Work Day 1

So now you know how I got the job, let me tell you about my first day. Yesterday was my first day at west elm. It was a good day for me. I took the train in the morning. Got there looking good in my new outfit I bought. We had the morning meeting where the manager told us how much we should sell that day. Gave each of us our individual quotas. I was supposed to sell $800 in the 5 hours that I worked that day. I asked one of the 4 guys who was working if it was hard to meet the quota and if you got in trouble if you didn’t meet the quota. He said he has never met it and they don’t care that much. Two things crossed my mind then. Damn, Im not going to make quota, and alright it doesn’t matter if I do or don’t.
I’ll sum up the story now. So this guy came in and seemed to be in a hurry. I didn’t think he was going to stay around long enough to buy anything. I did what I’m supposed to do and said “Sucka get out or buy stuff”. He ended up buying a table and 2 $199 dinning chairs and some other stuff. So basically that sale and the other sales I had summed 1300. So even if you aren’t good with math you can tell that 1300 > 800. The managers where impressed that my first day I had sold more then anyone else on my shift and well passed my quota. So praise God for hookin me up with that guy. I really didn’t do anything. He knew what he wanted and I just happened to be the one to ask him what he needed. So the moral of the story is that God is dope and has got our backs. So that was a good start off to my new job.
but i wont tell you about today only selling $450 when my quota was 1500. the moral of todays story is that God is doper still and has still got our backs. Either way the manager said, “don’t get down cause we are impressed with you on the floor. The numbers aren’t always a good judge at a sales persons workings”
There you have it, yet another day of life in philadelphia.