The newest exciting event in my life here in philly. Let me start from the beginning. So the other night I was having a hard time falling asleep, due to the coffee i drank at 7 pm. Since i couldn't fall a sleep i decided to read some. I turned on a the smallest light in my room to give off enough light but not to much. After reading a little i decided to go downstairs on my computer and talk to my good friend Madie on the internet. I was talking to her for a little bit when i start to hear a loud beep upstairs. I thought my cell phone was on vibrate so I was confused why it was so loud. All of a sudden my roommate yells, " Is there a fire, is that the fire alarm?!" So i made a mad dash up stairs thinking, it couldn't be, what would be on fire. When I get to the top of the stairs i see smoke pouring out of my slightly cracked door. I open the door to find my room and now lungs are filled with smoke and a large fire is on the lamp I left on. I realize that the towel on the lamp had caught fire. So i did what anyone would do, grabbed the flaming towel. At this points both of my roommates where standing out side of their doors wondering what all the smoke was from. I came running out of my room ,waving around a flaming towel, and into the bathroom. Granted, it caught them off guard, me with fire and all.
One of my roommates who had not fully woken up said, " Is Chris on fire. Chris are you on fire."
I hadn't said a word since i heard the smoke alarm go off. So i was thinking if i was on fire wouldn't i be screaming or at least making a noise?
either way i Got the flaming towel in the bath tub and stomped out some flaming embers. The lamp was melted and there is a large burnt crescent on my wall. But besides that the damage was minimal. So it was an eventful morning to say the least. But it was a good.
So the moral of the story is, CHECK YOU FIRE ALARMS!! they save lives.
pictures of the after math.

One of my roommates who had not fully woken up said, " Is Chris on fire. Chris are you on fire."
I hadn't said a word since i heard the smoke alarm go off. So i was thinking if i was on fire wouldn't i be screaming or at least making a noise?
either way i Got the flaming towel in the bath tub and stomped out some flaming embers. The lamp was melted and there is a large burnt crescent on my wall. But besides that the damage was minimal. So it was an eventful morning to say the least. But it was a good.
So the moral of the story is, CHECK YOU FIRE ALARMS!! they save lives.
pictures of the after math.

Dude, great story. About ten days left huh?
funny funny funny
crazy man, crazy. glad you are ok though.
dang, that's crazy! im glad you are ok!
where you dawg? you should blog again.
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