Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Flat tires

Yesterday was a wild day. I didn't get much sleep and felt like crap all day, but it was a good day. I went up to Maryland to hang with my Dad some before he left to go to Africa.

At lunch time I was craving some Taco Bell(there are none in philly) So I did just that and got some. I pulled into the Mars super marked parking lot which was pretty much empty. I was doing my thang, eatin my food. Then some lady came up to my window and asked if I knew how to change tires. I said yes. (i will sum up the story now so it doesn't drag on) While I was changing her tire we were talking. I said I was in philly getting ready to go to school and that I had done 3 years of mission work prior to reentering school. She then started talking about this message she was listening to on the radio about how your home is also your mission field. So we talked some about that and i threw in my thoughts on the subject. It was awesome cause all the things i said she would just sit there and shake her head and say "Wow, I really needed to hear that word. Wow"

My thought was, wow crazy. cause there where other things i would want to say, but For some reason i wouldn't or the words wouldn't really come out.

. After I was done changing her tire, she said "We should pray together!"
I was like "sure I'm down"

So we were standing in this parking lot holding hands praying. Kinda funny to me. It was good though. Its always refreshing to have those moments of knowing you were used by God.

Monday, August 28, 2006

I'm going to hell...

So the other day I was at starbucks reading my bible, doing my thang. I noticed this girl who is sitting about 4 seats away starts writing on a peice of paper. Next thing she turns around and sets the note on the table next to me. I expect it to be a note telling me how much she loves me(joking). but nope it was a track. It was telling me how I have to repent because Heaven is coming and I might miss out and end up in HELL fire!!!! dun dun dun.

I just laughed (quietly), because my bible is open to Revelation and there are RED letters every where(red= jesus is talking). I guess she didnt notice that. So I go back to reading. Then about 4 min. later she comes back over and picks up the note and sets it IN MY BIBLE. I'm thinking, "are you serious! hahaha. im reading the bible. Can you not tell that this book is one of those things you are telling me to read." I wish she would have just talked to me instead of leaving a note then walking away. So that was a funny day. It made me laugh so I decided to share it with everyone.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Oh Maryland mothers.

So the other day I was working at home depot. This lady came up to me and asked me where something was. I was not sure so I had to ask somebody else. When got the answer and told her she was like “thank you soo much dear. Bless you.” I replied with a thanks… That response kinda confused me cause all I did was tell here we didn’t have what she wanted, but she was so stoked she got an anwser.
She then proceeded to tell me she was outa state. And said, “Cant you tell cause I’m nicer then everyone else here.”
I thought wow what a funny, and bold thing to say.
I asked “Where you from?”

She said “Maryland.”

Me “Right on, I’m from there as well.”
After she found that out it was over, the deed was done. She said OOOO My daughter is moving up here. Here let me get your number you guys can hang out and be together. Then she said how it’s good to have people from your state so you don’t feel as lonely. I just laughed on the inside... and out side to all she had said.

So wow, I don’t know what to say about that. It was pretty darn funny though.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


So this just in... I am officially going to school. I took out a massive loan. Kinda jumping out there in faith and taking a risk. So pray that ( or if you don't pray hope that luck finds its way to me)God provides me with the money to pay this loan back ASAP. I guess that post wasn't really to exciting but it was informative. Which means none the less it was great.

a little late... but still AMAZING!

Another week has slipped away as my life in philadelphia continues. So last week was quite amazing. It started on monday with me having to be at work by 6. Then I ended the day with an amazing Hardcore show, As cities burn, Maylene and the sons of disaster. Good times, its the best way to start your week. I suggest it to everyone young and old. Then I ended the week with a chill indie/folk show, Denison Witmer. Great way to welcome in the relaxation of the weekend.

There were other amazing things through out the week. I really should have daily posted. IT would be a lot more interesting and maybe given me more internet friends. But here is one of the other amazing things. So when I was skating to the Denison Witmer show, I skated past a crew of people protesting G W Bush, and Israel. They said things like "honk if you hate racism." and "Help Lebanon." When I passed I decided to take a break and sit down and watch. As soon as I sat down, a guy behind me yelled "ISRAEL!!!!" . Kinda reminded me of my friend Devlyn...

Again that is just a glimmer of How amazing my life here is. So get ready for the next posting its coming sooner then you think!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

So here is my new shirt idea. I want to green to be a bright almost 80's neon green. tell me what you think. itll be at soon

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Porch

So I have some more interesting stuff that is page worthy. So as some of you know, I kinda live in the hood. It’s not that bad or that rough, it’s a nice block… Cool kids and chill people. But close by isn’t a good area. At Home Depot people told me that “you live on the hood side of German town.” SWEET! Haha. I love living on the edge. Kinda.

This evening I was kickin it on my porch talking with my neighbors. Hearing stories about his schooling and the fights and all the funny stuff that went down. As we were there chillin some of the younger kids on the block come up and are like “yo, someone got Popped In da alley up dere!” So apparently some one got shot one block up from where I live. They were saying Cops where there and there was a body bag and ladies snitchin. (snitchin = talking and telling on people. for those of you who don’t understand)

So there you have it. Welcome to the never dull life of Schwartz in Philadelphia.


Ps. I don’t know how accurate there story was though, cause there were trash bags every where. But they said they heard Gun shots but thought it was fire crackers at first. So don’t touch that dial. Well let you be the judge! Was it Fire crackers? Guns? Or a car back firing, you chose the fate of Chris Schwartz.


So life oo yes life it still goes on. I dont have anything awesome to say at this moment in time. But i will say this you can now leave comments now and dont have to be a "member" of the blogger thing. Im about to be posting on my other blog which is . you might ask why are you making it hard on us to read this stuff. My answer is i dont know. but thats how it is. its life so live with it. haha aight peace.